Mastering Branded Apparel: 6 Key Considerations

Shirt rack from Honeycomb Agency Showcase

Outfitting your workforce in company-branded apparel can enhance your company’s image significantly when done right. However, the process of selecting the right attire goes beyond choosing any clothing that fits.

It involves careful consideration of a variety of factors to achieve the perfect balance between style and functionality. To help you navigate this decision-making process, here are some factors to consider when choosing the right branded apparel for your business:

1. Employee Comfort

Ensure that your employees receive comfortable workwear that enables them to perform their daily tasks easily and efficiently. Opt for fabrics that keep your staff cool and are breathable.

Recognise that professional attire varies for each individual, so take specific body measurements to ensure a comfortable fit for everyone. Investing in comfortable materials that cater to diverse body sizes and shapes ensures that your employees will actually wear the apparel you provide.

2. The Workplace Environment

Consider the nature of your workplace environment as it directly influences the type of apparel best suitable for your employees. If your staff spends a significant amount of time outdoors and interacts with the public, durable and colour-retaining materials are essential. But rather, office-based environments prioritise comfort over durability.

Assess the climate and specific needs of your business, such as the necessity for branded outerwear in colder climates or lighter and softer materials for coastal businesses.

3. Quality and Functionality

The importance of high-quality branded apparel cannot be overstated. Cheap and low-quality items are quickly discarded, resulting in a wasted investment.

Tailor your choice of apparel to the specific roles and tasks of your employees. Administrative employees may prefer fitting polos, while workers in more hands-on roles may require flexible materials and protective features.

Prioritise safety, especially in sectors like construction and healthcare, where employees may need additional safeguards.

4. Colour and Design

Selecting colours that align with your business’s branding is crucial. Lighter shades offer flexibility in design, while balanced colours like black and white can make your brand stand out.

The right design style enhances the likelihood of regular use. A vibrant imprint on a T-shirt can convey a different message than a subtle embroidered logo on a collared shirt.

Choose colours and designs that reflect your brand identity and resonate with your target audience.

5. Reflecting your brand

Your branded apparel should perfectly mirror your company’s values and culture. It serves as a tangible representation of your brand for both employees and customers.

Branded clothing, according to the Advertising Specialty Institute, can generate up to 6,000 impressions per item. Ensure that the chosen apparel aligns with your brand’s identity, whether it’s cool and easygoing or traditional and sophisticated.

6. Your Team’s Input

Engage with the individuals who will be wearing the apparel by seeking their input. Conducting a “team try-on” allows employees to provide feedback on the selected items, fostering a sense of inclusion and appreciation for their opinions.
If employees are comfortable and satisfied with the branded apparel, it can be implemented as a uniform, boosting team spirit and turning employees into brand ambassadors.

In conclusion, branded apparel is a crucial component of your marketing strategy, offering a personal endorsement of your company from those who wear it. Consult with a branded apparel expert like Honeycomb Agency to make informed decisions on clothing types, colour schemes, logo placement, and printing options.

Contact Honeycomb now so you can get the best branded apparel for your business.

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