How to get more meaningful leads for your business

Get more meaningful leads

Gathering leads is about a lot more than simply getting names to add to your database. It’s all about making sure those leads remember who you are, what you do and why you would be of value to them. 

Here are some tips to get more leads for your business and make them meaningful so you stand out at different stages of your lead funnel. 

Know your ideal lead

First things first, the leads you gather will be more valuable to your business when you know who they are and what problems they are facing. 

For example, a landscaping business may have commercial property owners as its ideal client. If that’s the case, it does not need to try to appeal to homeowners. The company’s marketing should directly target people who operate on a larger scale. 

As well as knowing who your leads are, you need to know where they are. Will they be at trade shows, reading industry magazines or actively participating in industry/special interest Facebook groups? Are they searching for you on Google or relying on the recommendations of peers? 

Knowing all this information will help you to target the right people and get more leads. You are also helping your clients because you will be standing in front of them (so to speak), producing the exact solution they are looking for.

Use a combination of digital and real-world strategies

In 2021, most of us are interacting with our leads remotely. It can be more difficult to build a connection this way so consider sharing something physical as well as having a virtual presence. Before a big pitch, send some branded items to your client that demonstrate how well you understand them or give a preview of what you have to offer. 

Don’t forget that eventually we will all be together in person again. Blend the digital and physical lines at events like trade shows by sharing promotional items that lead to a digital experience. An easy example is adding a QR code to a branded gift. You are enabling your lead to easily check you out online when they are ready. 

If your business model includes big-budget tenders, one idea is to send your client an iPad or tablet in a branded cover. Upload a video for them to view as part of the pitch and let them keep it as their gift from you. It is certainly a good way to make an impression, and this can be a cost-effective strategy for high-paying contracts. 

Keep things flowing

It’s not enough to hand over a promotional item and hope for the best. If you want to get more leads, you need more touchpoints. 

Diversify your lead generation by sharing promotional products, educational videos and things like early bird incentives, then linking them together. An example here is an educational video on YouTube that directs viewers to visit your website to claim a free, personalised gift. Then once you have sent the gift, you can follow up with an email or phone call. You may even want to work in reverse and follow up the phone call with a free gift to remind the client to take the next step. 

Make them fall in love

Think of the brands you prefer. There are many competitors out there so why do you choose them? One of the reasons may be that you like the way they do business, even if they charge a little more.

Your lead generation and nurturing activities are your chance to prove you are great to do business with. 

As explained by Salesforce, it takes 6-8 points of contact to generate a viable sales lead. People need time to establish trust and get to the point where they are purchase ready.

Create a multi-faceted strategy that includes branded products to get more leads and keep those new clients’ attention for the long term.

Need some creative, effective and innovative ways to generate more meaningful leads?
Talk to Honeycomb Agency today.

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